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Check out these resources to empower your own health. They don't replace the need to see a healthcare practitioner, but can enhance that experience. Click the links to find out more about each topic.

Apple cider vinegar recipe

Apple Cider Vinegar Recipe for healthy joints, clear skin and excellent digestion.

Protocol for Weaning Off PPI Prescription

Make a safe transition off of PPI medications while working directly with your practitioner.

Chicken, Beef, and Fish Broth Recipes

The benefits of bone broth are endless. Great for healing the gut and immune system and for creating healthy skin and joints. 

Traditional remedy for abdominal discomfort

Castor Oil Packs are an old remedy that is very useful for abdominal pain, gall bladder discomfort and detoxification.

How to Treat Candida

A simple and effective dietary plan to eliminate Candida overgrowth.

Daily Dietary Intake

A document to help keep track of daily eating patterns. 

Instructions for patient

A method for environmental testing of your home or work space. Your practitioner will indicate whether or not these samples are needed for your appointment.

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Dr. Ramaley's Sore Throat Gargle

Simple recipe to sooth a sore throat.

Ear Poultice

Treat Ear Infections Naturally

A tried and true naturopathic technique to treat ear infections.

Impacted Earwax Protocol

A proven technique that can be done at home to eliminate excessive ear wax.

Health Benefits of Fermented Foods

Fermented foods are the most natural way to restore beneficial gut bacteria.

Fever is Your Friend

How to safely and effectively use fever to treat colds and flus. 

Why Your Stomach Needs Acid

Why acid in your stomach is important and how to safely increase your body's own production.

Breathe Your Way to Health

Use breath and color imagery to relax and restore your health.

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